
Veronika Jäger

Die Haftung von Partnern einer Partnerschaftsgesellschaft für berufliche Fehler

[Malpractice and the Liability of Partners in Professional Partnerships.]

2017. XXII, 283 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 63

89,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-155167-3
Also Available As:
Published in German.
The main concern of Germany's law for regulating companies run by a partnership is professional malpractice liability. How these provisions came to be and what each regulation demands are examined in Veronika Jäger's work. Her development of differentiation criteria and definitions helps make personal liability in such companies (with limited professional liability) more predictable.
The main concern of Germany's law for regulating companies run by a partnership is professional malpractice liability. How these provisions came to be and what each regulation demands are examined in Veronika Jäger's work. Her development of differentiation criteria and definitions helps make personal liability in such companies (with limited professional liability) more predictable.

Veronika Jäger Geboren 1989; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Bayreuth mit Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Zusatzausbildung; wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft an der Universität Bayreuth; 2016 Promotion; seit 2016 Referendarin am Landgericht München II.


The following reviews are known:

In: HAVE/REAS — 2017, Heft 3
In: Anwaltsblatt — 2018, 34 (Matthias Kilian)