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Gottfried Schimanowski
Die himmlische Liturgie in der Apokalypse des Johannes
Die frühjüdischen Traditionen in Offenbarung 4-5 unter Einschluß der Hekhalotliteratur
[The Heavenly Liturgy in the Apocalypse of John. The Early Jewish Traditions in Revelation 4-5 including the Hekhalot Literature. By Gottfried Schimanowski.]
2002. XII, 367 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-157187-9
Gottfried Schimanowski provides an exemplary interpretation of Revelation 4-5, beginning with a reappraisal of Revelation 4-5 as it was dealt with during the last 100 years. The author's analysis of the text leads him to the theory that the main themes of the visions in the following chapters of Revelation are already discernible here in the heavenly service in motifs as in a powerful prelude. What then follows is merely a further development of these. The author examines the structure, function and purpose of the heavenly worship, which is expressed in the five liturgical texts, and in addition to a number of background apocalyptic texts seldom used in the past, makes detailed use of the Jewish Hekhalot literature for the first time in order to contribute to the understanding of the throne scene.