
Klaus-Dieter Drüen

Die Indienstnahme Privater für den Vollzug von Steuergesetzen

[The Use of Private Persons for the Enforcement of Tax Laws.]

2012. XX, 450 pages.

Jus Publicum 218

129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-152420-2
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Published in German.
The government often uses private persons and infrastructures for public purposes. Using the enforcement of tax laws as an example, the author of this work studies the requirements under which this is compliant with constitutional law.
The government often uses private persons and infrastructures for public purposes. Using the enforcement of tax laws as an example, the author of this work studies the requirements under which this is compliant with constitutional law.

Klaus-Dieter Drüen Geboren 1969; Ausbildung zum Diplom Finanzwirt in der Finanzverwaltung NRW; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bochum; 1998 Promotion; 2005 Habilitation; derzeit Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Unternehmenssteuerrecht an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.


The following reviews are known:

In: Die Verwaltung — 2013, 306–310 (Monika Jachmann)
In: Fachbuchjournal — 2013, Heft 5, 55–56 (Michael Droege)