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Dieter Kugelmann
Die informatorische Rechtsstellung des Bürgers
Grundlagen und verwaltungsrechtliche Grundstrukturen individueller Rechte auf Zugang zu Informationen der Verwaltung
[The Citizen's Legal Status regarding Right to Information. Fundamental Principles and Basic Administrative Structures of the Individual's Right to Access to Administrative Information. By Dieter Kugelmann.]
2001. XII, 399 pages. Published in German.
Under which conditions can a citizen obtain information from the administrative authorities? An answer to this question can perhaps be found in European Union law and in an altered understanding of constitutional law, in particular of fundamental rights. The author maintains that the regulations of administrative law regarding the right to inspect records can be expanded. In this work, Dieter Kugelmann deals with the existing relevant laws of administrative law, taking protection of data privacy into consideration. He also deduces general structures from the citizen's right to information. These structures permit the creation of new laws pertaining to the right to information.