
Bernhard Heininger

Die Inkulturation des Christentums

Aufsätze und Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt

[The Inculturation of Christianity. Essays and Studies of the New Testament and its Environment.]

129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-150546-1
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Published in German.
Bernhard Heininger deals with the question of how early Christianity was »inculturated« in its environment. This includes the background of this inculturation, such as for example the quest for the historical Jesus as well as the discussion about Paul and his environment.
The essays and studies in this volume deal with the question of how early Christianity was »inculturated« in its environment. This includes the essentials of this inculturation, such as for example the quest for the historical Jesus as well as the discussion about Paul and his environment. In addition, the author examines the imperial cult serving as one of the definitive foils for the interpretation of the New Testament scriptures and continues the debate on the status and the role of the genders in early Christianity. He also provides insight into the gradual development of rites and rituals as well as their reinterpretation in the incipient gnosis. On the whole, this volume presents a panorama of work on the history of religion in the field of the New Testament in a manner which is typical of the author and his understanding of exegesis.

Bernhard Heininger Geboren 1958; Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Katholischen Theologie, Pädagogik in Würzburg; 1989 Promotion zum Dr. theol.;1995 Habilitation; seit 1999 Ordinarius für Neutestamentliche Exegese am Biblischen Institut, Universität Würzburg; 2004–09 Studiendekan.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Rundschau — 78 (2013), S. 334–376 (Jürgen Wehnert)
In: Reformierte Presse — 2012, Nr. 3, S. 9 (Nadine Kessler)
In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 33.5 (2011), S. 17 (F. Gerald Downing)
In: Bibel und Kirche – Biblische Bücherschau — (11/2012) (Markus Lang)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 55 (2011), S. 148