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Kerstin Freudiger
Die juristische Aufarbeitung von NS-Verbrechen
[The Reappraisal of National Socialist Crimes by the Judiciary. An Attempt at an Evaluation. By Kerstin Freudiger.]
2002. X, 444 pages. Published in German.
- eBook PDF
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- 978-3-16-160369-3
How did the West German judiciary deal with the crimes of mass murder committed by Germans during the National Socialist regime? Was it successful in punishing National Socialist crimes, or did it fail to prosecute the criminals adequately? In this work, Kerstin Freudiger does a diversified analysis based on what in her opinion was an unequal treatment of the various groups of National Socialist crimes and National Socialist criminals in comparable situations. She demonstrates this by using the sentences meted out to the four groups of major crimes committed by the National Socialists as examples: the extermination of the European Jews, 'euthanasia', the war of destruction and judicial crimes.