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Matthias Wilke

Die Kierkegaard-Rezeption Emanuel Hirschs

Eine Studie über die Voraussetzungen der Kommunikation christlicher Wahrheit
[The Reception of Kierkegaard in the Works of Emanuel Hirsch. A Study of the Prerequisites for the Communication of Christian Truth.]
2005. XVII, 568 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148777-4
The work of the German theologian Emanuel Hirsch is complex and ambiguous. Matthias Wilke shows which of the prerequisites for the communication of the Christian truth were common to both Kierkegaard and Hirsch, and the ways in which they differed. He outlines the development of Hirsch»s systematic theology and analyzes Kierkegaard«s hermeneutics.

Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie (HUTh)