
Anncathrin Koch

Die Kollision von gesellschaftsvertraglicher Abfindungsbeschränkung und Pflichtteilslast in der Person des Gesellschafter-Erben

[The Conflict between the Limitation on a Settlement in the Partnership Agreement and the Responsibility of the Partners' Heirs to Transfer the Compulsory Portion.]

2014. XXII, 312 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 38

109,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153367-9
Published in German.
If the interests of the successor of a membership of a partnership encounter the interests of the decedent's family members, a conflict arises. Focusing on the conflicting principles of the law of succession and partnership law, Anncathrin Koch analyzes whether the financial interests of the heir or the financial interests of the person entitled to a compulsory portion of the estate should be given priority when the compulsory portion is being assessed.
If the interests of the successor of a membership of a partnership encounter the interests of the decedent's family members, a conflict arises. Focusing on the conflicting principles of the law of succession and partnership law, Anncathrin Koch analyzes whether the financial interests of the heir or the financial interests of the person entitled to a compulsory portion of the estate should be given priority when the compulsory portion is being assessed.

Anncathrin Koch Geboren 1985; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Münster; 2009 Erstes Staatsexamen; 2013 Promotion an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster; 2014 Zweites Staatsexamen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift — 2016, 967–968 (Mario Leitzen)
In: ErbR — 2015, 340 (Claus-Henrik Horn)