Carsten Schäfer

Die Lehre vom fehlerhaften Verband

Grundlagen, Verhältnis zum allgemeinen Vertragsrecht und Anwendung auf Strukturveränderungen
[The Theory of the Faulty Association. Basis, Relationship to General Contract Law and Application to Structural Changes. By Carsten Schäfer.]
2002. XXV, 537 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157924-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-157924-0
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In this work, the author deals mainly with the so-called theory of the faulty association. Its objective is to insure that the legal consequences of defective incorporation are limited to an ex nunc invalidity. It is not only a question of creating standard elements for all associations and defining these separately from other recurring obligations, but mainly of finding out under which conditions this theory can be applied to contractual changes to prevent them from nullity.

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