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Lennart von Schwichow
Die Menschenwürde in der EMRK
Mögliche Grundannahmen, ideologische Aufladung und rechtspolitische Perspektiven nach der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte
[Human Dignity and the European Convention on Human Rights. Possible Key Assumptions, Ideological Charge and Legal Policy Perspectives According to ECHR Rulings.]
2016. XI, 242 pages. Published in German.
Human dignity forms the basis of the European Convention on Human Rights and plays an important role in the convention's jurisprudence. Its prerequisites and far-reaching implications have, however, long been ignored because »dignity« itself is not codified in the convention. This volume summarises human dignity's status quo in the convention's case-law and discusses the implications of the principle's usage.