
Monika Winker

Die Missbrauchsgebühr im Prozessrecht

Ein Beitrag zu Missbrauchsgebühren nach § 34 Abs. 2 BVerfGG und nach § 192 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 SGG im Kontext prozessualer Kostensanktionen

[Fines for Litigation Abuse in Procedural Law. A Contribution to Fines for Litigation Abuse in the Context of Procedural Financial Sanctions.]

89,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150829-5
Published in German.
Cost disadvantages or sanctions due to litigation misconduct have permeated numerous historical, foreign, international and German codes of procedure. Although there are few regulations for this, Monika Winker shows how commonplace these have become and provides a detailed study of the specific characteristics of fines for litigation abuse. She assesses the legality and the expedience of the norms and their application.
Cost disadvantages or sanctions due to litigation misconduct have permeated numerous historical, foreign, international and German codes of procedure. Although there are few regulations for this, Monika Winker shows how commonplace these have become and provides a detailed study of the specific characteristics of fines for litigation abuse. She assesses the legality and the expedience of the norms and their application.

Monika Winker Geboren 1980; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Freiburg; Richterin am Sozialgericht; z.Zt. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Bundesverfassungsgerichts; 2010 Promotion.


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