Frederic Geber
Die Netzanbindung von Offshore-Anlagen im europäischen Supergrid
Eine Untersuchung der §§ 17a ff. EnWG und ihrer völkerrechtlichen, europarechtlichen und verfassungsrechtlichen Einbettung
[The Grid Connection of Offshore Wind Farms in the European Supergrid. A Study of Section 17a et seq. of the German Energy Act and Its Integration in International, European and Constitutional Law.]
2014. XXII, 353 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-153181-1
The German legal framework for the grid connection of offshore wind farms has undergone a major overhaul. The author discusses the new Section 17a et seq. of the German Energy Act, highlights its implications for industry and public administration and shows the influence of the EU's new TEN-E regulation 347/2013 on the national rules.