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Timo Luks

Die Ökonomie der Anderen

Der Kapitalismus der Ethnologen - eine transnationale Wissensgeschichte seit 1880
[The Economies of Others. The Capitalism of Ethnologists - A Transnational History of Knowledge since 1880.]
2019. X, 264 pages.
Published in German.
  • hardcover
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156919-7
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Barter and kinship systems, potlatch traditions, economies based on solidarity - ever since Karl Marx, theorists and critics have been on the lookout for an alternative to capitalism. Recounting the economic systems of indigenous societies first spotted by ethnologists in the late nineteenth century, Timo Luks reconstructs encounters between economics and social anthropology in an effort to historicise concepts still being touted as benchmarks for a post-capitalist Utopia.

Studien zur Geschichte und Theorie des Kapitalismus (GTK)