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Die Rechtskontrolle von Netzentgelten im Energiesektor

Entgeltbestimmung durch »simulierten Wettbewerb« und Missbrauchskontrolle nach Regulierungsrecht, Kartellrecht und Zivilrecht
[Legal Supervision of Grid Charges in the Energy Sector. Determination of Charges by »Simulated Competition« and Prevention of Abuse of a Dominant Position in Accordance with Regulatory Law, Antitrust Law and Civil Law.]
2013. XIII, 169 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-152406-6
The amount charged for grid access is crucial if the grid-bound power industry is to be opened to competition. Therefore, improper and excessive charges by the grid owners which lead to monopoly profits must be prevented by law. Michael Kling explores the monitoring of charges in Antitrust Law, Regulatory Law and Civil Law.

Energierecht - Beiträge zum deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Energierecht (EnergieR)