Katrin Gaßner
Die Rechtsprechung zur Versammlungsfreiheit im internationalen Vergleich
Eine Analyse anhand von Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, des EGMR, des EuGH, der Obersten Gerichtshöfe der Russischen Föderation und des U.S. Supreme Courts
[The Court Decisions on Freedom of Assembly in an International Survey. An Analysis on the Basis of the German Federal Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the High Courts of the Russian Federation and the U.S. Supreme Court.]
2012. XX, 400 pages. Published in German.
Katrin Gassner analyzes and compares the decisions made by various supreme courts regarding freedom of assembly. She describes the general principles, similarities and differences in the rulings as well as the changes in these rulings throughout the years and also deals with those cases in which rulings from different legal systems overlap.