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Die Rede von Gott Vater und Gott Heiligem Geist als Glaubensaussage

Der erste und der dritte Artikel des Apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnisses im Gespräch zwischen Bibelwissenschaft und Dogmatik
Edited by Anne Käfer, Jörg Frey and Jens Herzer
[God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as Statements of Belief. The First and Third Sections of the Apostles' Creed between Biblical Studies and Dogmatics.]
2020. X, 632 pages.
Published in German.
  • paper
  • available from utb
  • 978-3-8252-5268-7
This volume presents an interpretation of the first and third affirmations of the Apostles' Creed as a dialogue between biblical studies and systematic theology. Historical, biblical, and systematic perspectives on the statements about God's creation, the work of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, and the evolution of the creed itself are provided in 26 interlacing interpretative and discursive contributions.