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Cornelia Richter
Die Religion in der Sprache der Kultur
Schleiermacher und Cassirer - Kulturphilosophische Symmetrien und Divergenzen
[Religion in the Language of Culture. Schleiermacher and Cassirer - Symmetries and Differences in Cultural Philosophy.]
2004. X, 325 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-148160-4
Religion in cultural philosophy is a subject often connected with the names of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Ernst Cassirer. However up to now no attempt has been made to read them together. Cornelia Richter analyzes their common background in transcendental philosophy and presents the systematic symmetries and differences between their cultural philosophies, focusing on the status and function of religion. She deals in particular with Schleiermacher's Dialectics and Ethics and Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms.