
Knut Wolfgang Nörr

Die Republik der Wirtschaft

Recht, Wirtschaft und Staat in der Geschichte Westdeutschlands. Teil I: Von der Besatzungszeit zur Grossen Koalition

[The Republic of the Economy. Law, State and Economy in the History of West Germany. Part I: From the Occupation to the Great Coalition. By Knut Wolfgang Nörr.]

unveränderte eBook-Ausgabe 2022; Orginalausgabe 1999; 1999. X, 269 pages.

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 25

104,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-160361-7
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Published in German.
Knut Wolfgang Nörr presents a legal history of the Federal Republic of Germany, from its origins up to the Grand Coalition, as seen in the context of its economic system and constitution. He shows the development of a 'two-lane' economic system in the Federal Republic between the Weimar tradition and the new ordoliberalism, which was stabilized by the broad, consensus-producing principle of social market economy. He analyzes inter alia the origins of various basic statutes, the independence of the federal bank, and the unions' struggle for co-determination. The fundamental, though unsolved problem of economic power may be called the leitmotif of the study.
Knut Wolfgang Nörr presents a legal history of the Federal Republic of Germany, from its origins up to the Grand Coalition, as seen in the context of its economic system and constitution. He shows the development of a 'two-lane' economic system in the Federal Republic between the Weimar tradition and the new ordoliberalism, which was stabilized by the broad, consensus-producing principle of social market economy. He analyzes inter alia the origins of various basic statutes, the independence of the federal bank, and the unions' struggle for co-determination. The fundamental, though unsolved problem of economic power may be called the leitmotif of the study.

Knut Wolfgang Nörr Geboren 1935; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Heidelberg und München; kaufmännische Lehre; 1962 zweites juristisches Staatsexamen; 1964 Promotion; 1967 Habilitation; 1966 ordentlicher Professor in Bonn, seit 1971 in Tübingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Neuere Rechtsgeschichte — Jg.24 (2002), H.2, S. 237f (Hans-Peter Benöhr)
In: Ius Commune — (2000), Nr. XXVII, S., 603–606 (Christian Joerges)
In: Zeitschr.f.d.ges.Handels-u.WirtschR (ZHR) — Jg. 164, (2000), S. 438–443 (Prof. Dr. P. Raisch)
In: Rechtsgeschichte — (2000), Nr. 19, S. 197–206 (Friedrich Kübler)
In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG) — Bd.89 (2002), H.2, S. 225ff (Gerold Ambrosius)