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Kathrin Mellech

Die Rezeption der EMRK sowie der Urteile des EGMR in der französischen und deutschen Rechtsprechung

[The Reception of the ECHR and the Decisions of the ECtHR in French and German Judicial Decisions.]
2012. XVII, 270 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151999-4
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By taking the guarantees given by the ECHR into consideration in their search for justice, the national courts can make a large contribution to avoiding convictions in Strasbourg. Taking into account the structural differences between the legal systems in Germany and France, Kathrin Mellech studies the behavior of the courts in these two countries in comparison to their European counterpart.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)