
Rebekka Übler

Die Schutzwürdigkeit von Erfindungen

Fortschritt und Erfindungshöhe in der Geschichte des Patent- und Gebrauchsmusterrechts

[The Merits of Protecting Inventions. Advances and Inventiveness in the History of Patent and Utility Model Law.]

104,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-153016-6
Published in German.
Since the German Federal Supreme Court's »Demonstrationsschrank« decision on 20 June 2006, the inventive step required in patent and utility model law has been treated equally in German law. Rebekka Übler studies the historical development of technical advances and inventive steps as substantive requirements for protection and provides solutions for current problems.
Since the German Federal Supreme Court's »Demonstrationsschrank« decision on 20 June 2006, the inventive step required in patent and utility model law has been treated equally in German law. Rebekka Übler studies the historical development of technical advances and inventive steps as substantive requirements for protection and provides solutions for current problems.

Rebekka Übler Geboren 1984; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bayreuth; 2013 Promotion; seit 2013 juristisches Referendariat in Regensburg, OLG-Bezirk Nürnberg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f. Geistiges Eigentum — 2015, 224–226 (Dieter Stauder)
In: Zeitschr. integrativer europ. RechtsG (ZIER) —–2014-Inhaltsverzeichnis.htm (Gerhard Köbler)