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Die Sprache im Werk Friedrich Nietzsches
Eine Studie zu ihrer Bedeutung für eine Theologie jenseits von Theologie
[Language in Friedrich Nietzsche's Works. A Study of Its Significance for a Theology beyond Theology.]
2013. XIV, 176 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-152394-6
Friedrich Nietzsche's works put theology to a hard test. For does not the death of God, which Nietzsche proclaims in »The Gay Science,« also mean the death of theology? Christian Jung faces up to this question by interpreting the philosopher's works and in particular his criticism of religion and Christianity from the perspective of the philosophy of language, basing his interpretation on Nietzsche's early work »On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense.«