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Wolfgang Kahl
Die Staatsaufsicht
Entstehung, Wandel und Neubestimmung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Aufsicht über die Gemeinden
[Government Supervision. Origin, Changes and Redefinition with Special Regard to the Supervision of the Communities. By Wolfgang Kahl.]
2000. XXII, 656 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-158120-5
Wolfang Kahl deals with the basic concepts, subject-matter and the principles of government supervision of independent administrative units, focusing his attention on the status of the communities. He begins his study with a look at history, extending from the 16th century to the end of National Socialist rule. In the second part of the study, he deals with government supervision during the first fifty years of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the third part, he presents a proposal for a new definition of government supervision in the cooperative and decentralized government of the 21st century.