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Simon Kempny
Die Staatsfinanzierung nach der Paulskirchenverfassung
Eine Untersuchung des Finanz- und Steuerverfassungsrechts der Verfassung des deutschen Reiches vom 28. März 1849
[State Financing According to the Constitution of St. Paul's Church. A Study of Public Finance and Tax Law in the Constitution of the German Empire Adopted on 28 March 1849.]
2011. XXIII, 372 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-150814-1
Taxation is essential to every state—and taxation is a threat to the economic freedom of the individual. Therefore in every constitution the provisions on taxation are of paramount importance. Simon Kempny examines how the issues of taxation and public finance are dealt with in the first modern German constitution, adopted on March 28, 1849.