
Hans-Joachim Niemann

Die Strategie der Vernunft

Problemlösende Vernunft, rationale Metaphysik und Kritisch-Rationale Ethik

[The Strategy of Reason. Problem-Solving Reason, Rational Metaphysics and Critical-Rational Ethics. 2nd revised and enlarged edition.]

2nd, revised and extended edition; 2008. XII, 306 pages.
59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149878-7
Published in German.
Hans-Joachim Niemann has developed Karl Popper's critical rationalism into a general method of problem solving which can be applied to morals, metaphysics, politics, justice and everyday life. After explaining and discussing this method, the author uses metaphysical theories in order to judge whether they are right or wrong.
In this work, the author has developed Karl Popper's critical rationalism into a general method of problem solving which can be applied to morals, metaphysics, politics, justice and everyday life. After explaining and discussing this method, the author uses metaphysical theories in order to judge whether they are right or wrong, although previous conventional wisdom had considered them irrefutable. He then applies the new methods to moral questions as they arise in everyday life as well as to politics, justice and religion. In the first appendix, the author gives a short, concise explanation of the method, in the form of a lecture, along with a number of charts to illustrate this. In the second appendix, he shows that objective cognition is possible in ethics and that ethics can turn into an empirical science.

Hans-Joachim Niemann Geboren 1941; 1972 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Tübingen; Forschungstätigkeit als Physikochemiker; seit 1984 wissenschaftlicher Schriftsteller; Lehraufträge und Gastvorlesungen über kritischen Rationalismus an den Universitäten Bamberg und Passau; Mitbegründer der Zeitschrift Aufklärung und Kritik.


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