
Die Systemverantwortung der Netzbetreiber

Überlegungen vor dem Hintergrund eines sich wandelnden energiewirtschaftlichen Umfelds

[Network Operators' System Responsibility. Contemplating the Changing Energy Economy.]

2016. XIX, 244 pages.

Schriften zum Infrastrukturrecht 11

79,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-154261-9
Published in German.
Integrating electricity from renewable sources in networks is the energy turnaround's biggest challenge. Benjamin Tschida explains the actual resulting problems, deals with important single issues and, with an eye on legislative aims, evaluates the conflict solving instruments available to network operators.
Integrating electricity from renewable sources in networks is the energy turnaround's biggest challenge. Benjamin Tschida explains the actual resulting problems, deals with important single issues and, with an eye on legislative aims, evaluates the conflict solving instruments available to network operators.

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