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Francis Kasten

Die »Terminshoheit« des Gerichts und das Recht auf Verteidigung

Zur Terminierung und Vertagung der Hauptverhandlung bei Verhinderung des Verteidigers
[Hearing Supremacy and the Right to Defence. Setting Dates and Adjourning Proceedings when the Defender is Prevented from Acting.]
2017. XX, 358 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155311-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-155311-0
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Francis Kasten probes the conflict which arises when the inability of the defence lawyer to attend a trial clashes with the judge's generally accepted supreme right to schedule the hearing. Concealed behind this seemingly pure question of organisation lurks a considerable obstacle to the accused's right to the help of a chosen counsel.

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