
Nils Grosche

Die unsichtbare Hand des Staates

Untersuchung zu Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung hoheitlicher Preisbeeinflussung im Recht

[The Invisible Hand of the State. An Inquiry into the Sovereign Power to Influence Prices and the Law.]

2020. XI, 395 pages.

Jus Publicum 293

109,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-159494-6
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Published in German.
Legal rules limiting state action can provoke stretching and bending of the respective rules by state authorities. Nils Grosche analyses this constructive dimension of state action and its theoretical as well as normative underpinnings.
Legal rules limiting state action can provoke stretching and bending of the respective rules by state authorities. Nils Grosche analyses this constructive dimension of state action and its theoretical as well as normative underpinnings.

Nils Grosche Geboren 1982; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Bonn; Referendariat in Köln; 2012 Promotion (Bonn); 2019 Habilitation (Mainz); Lehrstuhlvertretungen in Konstanz und Frankfurt am Main.


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