
Norman Dauskardt

Die Verkehrsdurchsetzung im deutschen und europäischen Markenrecht

[Acquiring Distinctiveness in German and European Trademark Law.]

94,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-155376-9
Published in German.
Trademarks that are devoid of any distinctive character, that are descriptive or represent a common designation cannot be registered. However, these obstacles can be overcome if a trademark has gained distinctiveness through being used. Norman Dauskardt examines the highly controversial requirements set out for this instrument in German and European trademark law.
Trademarks that are devoid of any distinctive character, that are descriptive or represent a common designation cannot be registered. However, these obstacles can be overcome if a trademark has gained distinctiveness through being used. Norman Dauskardt examines the highly controversial requirements set out for this instrument in German and European trademark law.

Norman Dauskardt Geboren 1982; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Referendariat, Kammergericht Berlin; seit 2010 Rechtsanwalt in Berlin; seit 2014 Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz; 2017 Promotion.


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