
Adrian Wypadlo

Die Verklärung Jesu nach dem Markusevangelium

Studien zu einer christologischen Legitimationserzählung

[The Transfiguration of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Studies of a Christological Legitimation Narrative.The Transfiguration of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Studies of a Christological Legitimation Narrative.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-152561-2
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Published in German.
The transfiguration pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New Testament scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and disconcertment, poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it and what about the historical and Christological reality behind this narrative? Following an introductory chapter, Adrian Wypadlo begins with a detailed analysis of the individual verses of the text, dealing in particular with the narratological aspects. Then he compares this text with the concepts of transformation in the Hellenistic-Jewish and pagan environment of the New Testament. Lastly Wypadlo examines the conspicuous constellation between Jesus, Elija and Moses in Mk 9:4f. The author's goal is to show that, along with the baptism pericope (Mk 1:9–11), Mk 9:2–8 is the key legitimation narrative within Markan Christology.The transfiguration pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New Testament scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and disconcertment, poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it, and what about the historical and Christological reality behind this narrative?
The transfiguration pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New Testament scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and disconcertment, poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it and what about the historical and Christological reality behind this narrative? Following an introductory chapter, Adrian Wypadlo begins with a detailed analysis of the individual verses of the text, dealing in particular with the narratological aspects. Then he compares this text with the concepts of transformation in the Hellenistic-Jewish and pagan environment of the New Testament. Lastly Wypadlo examines the conspicuous constellation between Jesus, Elija and Moses in Mk 9:4f. The author's goal is to show that, along with the baptism pericope (Mk 1:9–11), Mk 9:2–8 is the key legitimation narrative within Markan Christology.The transfiguration pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New Testament scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and disconcertment, poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it, and what about the historical and Christological reality behind this narrative?

Adrian Wypadlo Geboren 1970; Studium der katholischen Theologie in Paderborn, Tübingen und Frankfurt; 1998 Priesterweihe; 2006 Promotion (Paderborn); 2011 Habilitation (Tübingen); seit 2012 Lehrstuhlvertreter am Seminar für Exegese des Neuen Testaments an der Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität Münster; Dezember 2012 Ruf auf die Professur am Seminar für Exegese des Neuen Testaments an der Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität Münster.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 140 (2015), S. 396–398 (Peter Müller)
In: Theologische Revue — 110 (2014), S. 212–213 (Dietrich Rusam)
In: Biblische Zeitschrift — 59 (2015), S. 288–290 (Gudrun Guttenberger)
In: Bibel und Kirche — (08/2015) (Beate Kowalski)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 58 (2014), S. 181
In: Biblica — 96 (2015), S. 298–301 (Jean-Noel Aletti)