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Raya Abbas
Die Vermögensbeziehungen der Ehegatten und nichtehelichen Lebenspartner im serbischen Recht
Eine Untersuchung des Sach- und Kollisionsrechts unter Berücksichtigung der Staatensukzession im IPR
[The Financial Relationships between Spouses and between Unmarried Partners in Serbian Law. A Study of Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Provisions in Consideration of the State Succession in Private International Law.]
2011. XXI, 297 pages. Published in German.
The collapse of the former Yugoslavia and the reforms associated with it in the successor states led to problems in the application of the law. In her comparative study, Raya Abbas examines the new marital property law in Serbia as well as the problem of state succession in private international law, which has become relevant for establishing the marital property regime of former Yugoslavian citizens.