
Nina Lubomierski

Die Vita Sinuthii

Form- und Überlieferungsgeschichte der hagiographischen Texte über Schenute den Archimandriten

[The Vita Sinuthii. The History of the Form and Tradition of the Hagiographic Texts on Shenoute the Archimandrite.]

94,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149297-6
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Published in German.
Shenoute was the outstanding religious figure of Upper Egypt during the fourth and fifth centuries. Up to now, it was assumed that Besa, Shenoute's successor, wrote a biography of Shenoute, the Vita Sinuthii, while he was the abbot of the White Monastery. Nina Lubomierski advocates the theory that Besa was not the author of the texts which are called the Vita Sinuthii.
Shenoute was the outstanding religious figure of Upper Egypt during the fourth and fifth centuries. Up to now, it was assumed that Besa, Shenoute's successor, wrote a biography of Shenoute, the Vita Sinuthii, while he was the abbot of the White Monastery. Nina Lubomierski advocates the theory that Besa was not the author of the texts which are called the Vita Sinuthii. These originated when various eulogies and other hagiographic writings about Shenoute were compiled into a collection of materials by an unknown editor. This work contains editions of previously unpublished Sahidic fragments of the Vita Sinuthii with a German translation and a synopsis of all the episodes of the Vita Sinuthii in their various versions.

Nina Lubomierski Geboren 1975; Studium der ev. Theologie und Koptologie in Tübingen, Heidelberg und Münster; 2007 Promotion; derzeit Vikarin der ev.-lutherischen Kirche in Bayern.


The following reviews are known:

In: Irenikon — 2008, S. 683–684 (U.Z.)
In: Salesianum — 70 (2008), S. 584–586 (Biagio Amata)