F. Joel Reyes y Ráfales
Die Warenausfuhrfreiheit: ein Beschränkungsverbot
Eine Synthese unionsverfassungsrechtlicher, rechtsökonomischer und rechtsprechungsbasierter Auslegung zu einem »Wettbewerbsgleichheits-Rechtswahlmechanismus«
[The Freedom to Export Goods: A Prohibition of Restrictions. An EU-Constitutional Law, Law and Economics, and Judicially-Based Interpretations Synthesis for a »Level-Playing-Field Selection Mechanism«.]
2017. XLIX, 853 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-155333-2
The author reflects critically on the methodology used to interpret EU fundamental freedoms, taking Article 35 TFEU's guarantee to export goods as an example. According to him, the European Court of Justice's narrow reading of this should be abandoned in favour of a dual EU-constitutional law and law and economics approach that would enable exporters to deselect their own national law and choose the legislation of another member state instead.