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Die Wiedergewinnung des Menschen als demokratisches Projekt
Band 2: Partizipationsfreundliche Institutionenarrangements und wahrheitsorientierte Biopolitik
Edited by Stephan Rixen
[The Reclamation of the Individual as a Democratic Project. Volume 2: Participation-Friendly Arrangement of Institutions and Truth-Orientated Bio-Politics.]
2018. VIII, 204 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-154285-5
The relationship between democracy, human rights, and truth is characterized by ambivalence. Human rights, by their nature, guarantee plurality. Therefore, the influence of truth (whatever it means) on the implementation of human rights must be strictly limited. Rigid adherence to truth or, more precisely, to different views of truth would minimize the protective effect of human rights. Nevertheless, democracy should create discourse spaces where questions of truth can be deliberated. Democratic discourse spaces recognize that »the people« democratic government derives from want their truths to be reflected in the law-making process. But is this possible without the danger of reducing the task of human rights to safeguard plurality? Answers are given by experts of constitutional law, social science, philosophy, and theology.