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Ingolf U. Dalferth

Die Wirklichkeit des Möglichen

Hermeneutische Religionsphilosophie
[The Reality of the Possible. A Hermeneutic Philosophy of Religion.]
2003. XV, 578 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148100-0
In this volume, Ingolf U. Dalferth outlines a hermeneutic philosophy of religion with the help of three basic questions: What is the philosophy of religion and what is its purpose? What is the wrong way to practise philosophy of religion, and which goals should it not pursue? And what procedure should it follow if it wishes to give a critical assessment and a constructive analysis of the reality of religious life and orientation, rather than excluding these aspects? The author succeeds in outlining a concept of the philosophy of religion which as a hermeneutic project differs considerably from current concepts of the philosophy of religion.