
Die Wurzel allen Übels

Vorstellungen über die Herkunft des Bösen und Schlechten in der Philosophie und Religion des 1.-4. Jahrhunderts. Ratio Religionis Studien III
Hrsg. v. Fabienne Jourdan u. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold

[The Root of Evil. Ideas on the Origin of Evil in the Philosophy and Religion of the First to the Fourth Century. Ratio Religionis Studies III.]

104,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-152908-5
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Published in German.
The question of the origin of evil has always troubled philosophical and religious thinkers. Unde malum? The texts studied reflect a desire which pervades the history of ideas, philosophy and religion, a desire to understand the conditions of human existence and to probe the experience of human suffering, driven by the hope that in the end we might be able to rise above evil or at least domesticate it intellectually.
The question of the origin of evil has always troubled philosophical and religious thinkers. Unde malum? Wherever human beings are shattered by the experience of violence and destruction, illness and death, but also by the experience of the soul's unfathomability, the question of cause and accountability arises. The continuing search for answers, through the narration of myths, through philosophical reflection, through psychological, social and political rationalization or through the formulation of scientific hypotheses is outlined in this volume in the literature of the first to the fourth century AD. The texts studied reflect a desire which pervades the history of ideas, philosophy and religion, a desire to understand the conditions of human existence and to probe the experience of human suffering, driven by the hope that in the end we might be able to rise above evil or at least domesticate it intellectually.
Survey of contents
Fabienne Jourdan/Rainer Hirsch-Luipold: Vorwort

I. Einführung
Karin Alt: Zum Phänomen des Bösen in der späteren Antike. Generelle Fragen, Voraussetzungen und ein Ausblick auf zwei Philosophen des 3. Jahrhunderts n.Chr.

II. Hintergründe
Luc Brisson: Whence Comes Evil in Plato – Troels Engberg-Pedersen: Is the Stoic Account of the Origin of Evil Good Enough? On Seneca's De Providentia and Hercules Furens – Thomas Römer: The Origin and the Status of Evil According to the Hebrew Bible

III. Die Herkunft des Bösen und Schlechten in der Literatur des 1.-3. Jahrhunderts n.Chr.

Folker Siegert: Die theoretische Bewältigung des Bösen bei Philon – David T. Runia: Clement of Alexandria and the Origin of Evil – Zlatko Pleše: Evil and Its Sources in Gnostic Traditions – Fabienne Jourdan: Materie und Seele in Numenios' Lehre vom Übel und Bösen – Denis O' Brien: Plotinus on Matter, Non-Being and Evil

IV. Ausblicke
Marie Hélène Congourdeau: Ursprung des Bösen und körperliche Existenz – Bernhard Neuschäfer: Der menschliche Wille als Ursprung des Bösen. Augustins willenstheoretischer Lösungsversuch des unde malum -Problems – Dorothee Pielow: Vorstellungen über »das Böse« im Koran

Fabienne Jourdan Geboren 1978; 2001 Agregation in Altphilologie; 2007 Promotion in Philosophie der Antike; 2007–08 Humboldtstipendiatin; seit 2008 Wissenschaftlerin am CNRS in Paris.

Rainer Hirsch-Luipold Geboren 1967; seit 2011 Ordentlicher Professor für Neues Testament und Antike Religionsgeschichte an der Universität Bern; seit 2015 zusätzlich Extraordinary Professor an der Stellenbosch University (SA), Department of Ancient Studies.


The following reviews are known:

In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 38.5 (2016), S. 123 (Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer)
In: Elenchos — 36 (2015), S. 179–184 (Franco Ferrari)
In: Intern. Journal Platonic Tradition — 11 (2017), S. 94–95 (Matthias Perkams)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 59 (2015), S. 392
In: Philosophische Rundschau — 63 (2016), S. 278–279 (Matthias Perkams)