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Christian Mencke
Die zivilprozessuale Beiladung im Klageverfahren gem. § 148 AktG
[The Summons to Third Parties in Civil Proceedings in an Action in Accordance with Section 148 of the German Stock Corporation Act.]
2012. XXII, 239 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-151924-6
In German civil procedure, the summons ( Beiladung) as a form of the participation of a third party is virtually unknown. Since 2005 however, section 148 of the German Stock Corporation Act does provide for a summons to certain third parties in the case of a certain procedure in which shareholders sue in their own name for compensation for their stock corporation - without any further definition of the meaning of this summons. Christian Mencke investigates and clarifies the meaning.