
Max Burda

Die Zweckbindung im Urhebervertragsrecht

§ 31 Abs. 5 UrhG im Wandel der Zeit

[Earmarking in Copyright Law. Section 31 (5) of the German Act on Copyright and Related Rights in Changing Times.]

109,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-159279-9
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Published in German.
When it comes to protecting the author in the granting of rights, Section 31 (5) of Germany's copyright law takes centre stage. It plays its most notable role as the fundamental link between the granting of rights and the purpose of the contract. In times that are fast changing in both the world of copyright, Max Burda examines the controversial question of the norm's legitimacy and effectiveness to come up with a reform proposal suitable for the whole of the EU.
When it comes to protecting the author in the granting of rights, Section 31 (5) of Germany's copyright law takes centre stage. It plays its most notable role as the fundamental link between the granting of rights and the purpose of the contract. In times that are fast changing in both the world of copyright, Max Burda examines the controversial question of the norm's legitimacy and effectiveness to come up with a reform proposal suitable for the whole of the EU.

Max Burda Geboren 1989; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas; 2019 Promotion; seit 2018 juristischer Vorbereitungsdienst in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: ZIER KOEBLER — (Albrecht Götz von Olenhusen)
In: Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum — 13 (2021), 122–126 (Gernot Schulze)