Dimensionen des Wettbewerbs
Europäische Integration zwischen Eigendynamik und politischer Gestaltung
Edited by Jürgen Backhaus, Hermann-Josef Blanke, Hans-Friedrich Müller, Helge Peuckert, Arno Scherzberg, Christian Seiler, Alexander Thumfart and Gerhard Wegner
2010. X, 536 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-160583-3
Is the concept of competition suitable as an instrument of European integration, and if so what are the prerequisites and boundaries for this? Is it possible to plan and organize the competition of national legal systems analogous to the competition in production markets? These questions, the results of which are presented in this volume, were dealt with at an interdisciplinary conference at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Scienes at the University of Erfurt.