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Apostolos Tassikas

Dispositives Recht und Rechtswahlfreiheit als Ausnahmebereiche der EG-Grundfreiheiten

Ein Beitrag zur Privatautonomie, Vertragsgestaltung und Rechtsfindung im Vertragsverkehr des Binnenmarktes
[Non-Mandatory Rules of Law and Freedom to Choose the Applicable Law as Exceptions to the Basic Market Freedoms in the EC. A Contribution to Private Autonomy, Contract Wording and Determining the Law pertaining to Contracts in the Single Market.]
2004. XXII, 451 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148281-6
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The parties to a contract cannot avoid the obstacles in free trade involving products, services, corporations and capital in the single market merely by choosing the applicable law or the applicable non-mandatory provisions. Creating exceptions to the application of EC basic market freedoms does not take the parties' costs and informational deficits during negotiations into consideration. The freedom of choice of the applicable law is limited, as it cannot set aside obstacles in the single market in every case, whereas the non-mandatory rules have an equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)