Gerhard Ebeling
Dogmatik des christlichen Glaubens
Band I: Prolegomena. 1. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Schöpfer der Welt. Band II: 2. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Versöhner der Welt. Band III: 3. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Vollender der Welt. Register
Edited by Albrecht Beutel
[The Dogma of the Christian Faith. Volumes 1-3. 4th Revised Edition with an Afterword by Albrecht Beutel.]
4th, reviewed edition; 2012. LXIV, 1561 pages. Published in German.
- paper
- available
- 978-3-16-151028-1
The »Dogma of the Christian Faith,« written by Gerhard Ebeling a third of a century ago, very quickly proved to be a classic. Eberhard Jüngel immediately hailed the work as »creating a consensus.« It has in fact remained a significant reference text for dogmatic theology up to the present time. This new fourth edition contains an afterword by Albrecht Beutel which with its remarks on the origins, form and reception of this dogma restore the timeliness of this classic work.