
Gerhard Ebeling

Dogmatik des christlichen Glaubens

Band I: Prolegomena. 1. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Schöpfer der Welt. Band II: 2. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Versöhner der Welt. Band III: 3. Teil: Der Glaube an Gott den Vollender der Welt. Register

[The Dogma of the Christian Faith. Volumes 1–3. 4th Revised Edition with an Afterword by Albrecht Beutel.]

4th, reviewed edition; 2012. LXIV, 1561 pages.
59,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-151028-1
Published in German.
The »Dogma of the Christian Faith,« written by Gerhard Ebeling a third of a century ago, very quickly proved to be a classic. Eberhard Jüngel immediately hailed the work as »creating a consensus.« It has in fact remained a significant reference text for dogmatic theology up to the present time. This new fourth edition contains an afterword by Albrecht Beutel which with its remarks on the origins, form and reception of this dogma restore the timeliness of this classic work.
The »Dogma of the Christian Faith,« written by Gerhard Ebeling a third of a century ago, very quickly proved to be a classic. Eberhard Jüngel immediately hailed the work as »creating a consensus.« It has in fact remained a significant reference text for dogmatic theology up to the present time. Such a superiority over time may also be due to the fact that Ebeling intentionally dispensed with entering into explicit discussions with the theological styles which were predominant at that time but which faded quickly. Instead of this he offered his readers the possibility of accompanying him on the path of a concentrated, meditative affirmation of the overall context of the Christian experience of faith. This new fourth edition contains an afterword by Albrecht Beutel which with its remarks on the origins, form and reception of this dogma restore the timeliness of this classic work.

Gerhard Ebeling (1912–2001) 1938 Promotion; 1947 Habilitation; 1962 Gründer des Zürcher Instituts für Hermeneutik; langjähriger Professor für Kirchengeschichte bzw. Systematische Theologie in Tübingen und Zürich; von 1959–1989 Präsident der Kommission zur Herausgabe der Werke Martin Luthers.

Albrecht Beutel Geboren 1957; Studium der Ev. Theologie, Germanistik und Philosophie in Tübingen und Zürich; 1990 Promotion; 1995 Habilitation; Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Kirchengeschichte (insbesondere Reformation, neuere und neueste Kirchengeschichte) an der Universität Münster; ord. Mitglied der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste.


The following reviews are known:

In: Concilium — 2012, S. 351