Cover of 'undefined'
Jan Birger Latt

Ehegattensplitting und Genderperspektive

Von der gleichstellungsrechtlichen Kritik an der geltenden Ehegattenbesteuerung und den Reformalternativen
[Taxing Married Couples and Gender Perspectives. On Legal Criticism of Equality in Current Spouse Taxation and the Alternatives for Reform.]
2018. XXV, 362 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155849-8
Germany's tax allowance system for married couples is facing increasing criticism – and it looks like gender mainstreaming and a change to Article 6 of the country's Basic Law will make its abolishment inevitable. Jan Birger Latt challenges the cogency of the arguments involved.

Veröffentlichungen zum Steuerrecht (SteuerR)