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Ralf Frassek

Eherecht und Ehegerichtsbarkeit in der Reformationszeit

Der Aufbau neuer Rechtsstrukturen im sächsischen Raum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wirkungsgeschichte des Wittenberger Konsistoriums
[Matrimonial Law and Matrimonial Jurisdiction during the Reformation. The Creation of New Legal Structures in Saxony Focusing on the Reception History of the Wittenberg Concord]
2005. XIII, 367 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148685-2
Ralf Frassek examines the legal solutions found by Saxony in the 16th century in order to fill the vacuum which had arisen in matrimonial law.

Jus Ecclesiasticum (JusEccl)