Niels Lutzhöft
Eine objektiv-rechtliche Gewährleistung der Rundfunkfreiheit in der Europäischen Union?
Nationales Rundfunkverfassungsrecht und unionsrechtlicher Grundrechtsschutz im Spiegel divergierender Tradition, Funktion und Konzeption der Grundrechte
[The Freedom of Broadcasting as a Positive Obligation in the European Union? National Constitutional Law of Broadcasting and Fundamental Rights in the European Union in view of Diverging Traditions, Functions and Concepts of Fundamental Rights.]
2012. XX, 370 pages. Published in German.
Constitutional courts in Europe emphasize the key role of the freedom of broadcasting as a pillar of a democratic system. Hence, EU Member State measures aimed at safeguarding media diversity are regularly under scrutiny of European Union institutions for potential breach of EU market freedoms. The author develops a genuine fundamental rights approach to the broadcasting media at EU level to capture the dual nature of broadcasting as a cultural and an economic good in European law.