Olaf Sievert

Einfache Wahrheiten zählen

Beratung mit ordnungspolitischem Anspruch. Gesammelte Schriften
Edited by Lars P. Feld and Christian Molitor
[Telling Simple Truths. Endeavouring Regulatory Advisory. Collected Works.]
2022. XVI, 486 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155245-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-155245-8
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This volume features a selection of publications by Olaf Sievert, one of Germany's most influential twentieth century economists who wrote passionate and original pleas in favour of prudent policies acknowledging the world's complexities and the limits of our knowledge.

Untersuchungen zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik (UOrd)