
Frank Beckstein

Einschränkungen des Schutzlandprinzips

Die kollisionsrechtliche Behandlung von Immaterialgüterrechtsversetzungen im Internet

[Restrictions of the Principle of Lex Loci Protectionis. How the Conflict of Laws Provisions Deal with Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet.]

89,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150310-8
Published in German.
According to common understanding, and to Art. 8 of the Rome II Regulation, private international intellectual property law is governed by the lex loci protectionis. This legal rule causes practical difficulties in the age of global media such as the internet. Frank Beckstein analyzes the possibilities to deviate from the principle of lex loci protectionis.
According to common understanding, and to Art. 8 of the Rome II Regulation, private international intellectual property law is governed by the lex loci protectionis. Thus with respect to the infringement of intellectual property rights the law of the country for which protection is sought has to be applied. However, this legal rule causes practical difficulties in the age of global media such as the internet. Frank Beckstein analyzes the principles of lex loci protectionis and of territoriality. He examines the possibilities of restricting the lex loci protectionis under current law, especially by the implementation of a de minimus rule. Furthermore, he discusses alternative choice of law rules for the infringement of intellectual property rights which might be applied de lege ferenda.

Frank Beckstein Geboren 1978; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bayreuth und Glasgow; wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Zusatzausbildung zum Wirtschaftsjuristen (Univ. Bayreuth); 2009 Promotion; derzeit Staatsanwalt im Justizdienst des Freistaats Bayerns.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Urheber- u.Medienrecht — 2012, 86–87 (Sven-Uwe Neumaier)
In: UFITA — 2011, 224–226 (Malte Stieper)
In: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz u. Urheberrecht Int. — 2010, 1106–1107 (Paul Katzenberger)
In: Computer und Recht — 2010, R92-R93 (Haimo Schack)