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Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz
Edited by Oliver Dörr, Rainer Grote and Thilo Marauhn
[A Concordance Commentary on European and German Protection of Fundamental Rights. 3rd edition.]
3rd edition; 2022. LXIV, 2434 pages (2 volumes).
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-157003-2
This innovative commentary offers unique insights into the interrelationship between human rights protection in domestic legal systems and the ever more important body of European human rights law. It shows how the national and European rules can be understood as a formative part of an increasingly integrated, multi-tier-system of fundamental rights protection.
The case law published since the previous edition has been thoroughly incorporated into this work. Current developments, such as the practical consequences of the recent debate on the subsidiarity principle for the margin of appreciation of Member States in assessing the necessity of interferences with Convention rights, have also been given due regard.

»Hopefully the Commentary will […] be broadly disseminated and receive the attention it diserves.«
Christian Johann German Yearbook of Internat. Law 2015, 731