
Georg Werner

Entnahme und Patentierung menschlicher Körpersubstanzen

Eine zivil- und patentrechtliche Beurteilung am Beispiel von menschlichen Antikörpern und Genen

[The Removal of and Granting of a Patent for Human Bodily Substances. An Assessment from the Perspective of Civil and Patent Law Exemplified by Human Antibodies and Genes.]

69,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149699-8
Published in German.
Based on an authentic case, Georg Werner studies how the rights of a donor to his bodily substances affect a patent, if the invention leading to the patent is based mainly on the bodily substances of the donor.
Based on an authentic case, Georg Werner studies how the rights of a donor to his bodily substances affect a patent which has been or will be issued if the invention leading to the patent is based mainly on the bodily substances of the donor. In order to weigh the rights of the donor against those of the inventor and to put these into proper balance, the author begins by studying the donor's rights to his bodily substances or his genetic information and then the inventor's rights to his patent. He then compares these rights and analyzes the legal consequences for the patent for which an application has been made or which has already been issued. In doing so, he differentiates between the case in which bodily substances have been removed illegally and the case in which these have been made use of without the donor's agreement, and differentiates in his conclusions.

Georg Werner Geboren 1977; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Dresden; 2007 Promotion; Rechtsanwalt in Stuttgart.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr. f. Geistiges Eigentum — 2009, 272–273 (Jochen Taupitz)
In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte (MdP) — 2010, 46–47 (Gudrun Sacht-Gorny)
In: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz u. Urheberrecht Int. — 2010, 266–268 (Doris Walter)