
Epigraphical Evidence Illustrating Paul's Letter to the Colossians

Ed. by Joseph Verheyden, Markus Öhler, and Thomas Corsten

[Epigraphische Zeugnisse und das Verständnis des Kolosserbriefs.]

134,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155654-8
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Published in English.
The present volume contains essays that in various ways show how epigraphical material, in combination with literary and archaeological evidence, can be made to use in interpreting specific concepts or motifs in Paul's Letter to the Colossians.
The present volume contains the proceedings of an international conference meant to further the dialogue between New Testament scholars and epigraphists with an interest in NT matters. After the more general approach of a previous conference, it was decided to focus on a particular writing. The Letter to the Colossians, though a relatively short work, was chosen because it contains some very interesting material worthy of study from an epigraphical angle and also offers opportunities to open up towards a broader perspective on Pauline literature. The essays that make up this collection offer insights into the world of the intended addressees, show ways for contextualising epigraphical material, and demonstrate from case studies how this material, in combination with literary and archaeological evidence, can be made to use in interpreting specific concepts or motifs in the letter.
Survey of contents
Joseph Verheyden/Markus Öhler/Thomas Corsten: Introduction – Ulrich Huttner: Vorkonstantinisches Christentum im Lykos‑ und Mäandertal: Das Zeugnis der Inschriften – Alan H. Cadwallader: The Historical Sweep of the Life of Kolossai – Angela Standhartinger: Der Kolosserhymnus im Lichte epigraphischer Zeugnisse – Julien M. Ogereau: Χειρόγραφον in Colossians 2:14: The Contribution of Epigraphy to the Philology of the New Testament – Peter Müller: Verehrung der Engel: Kol 2:18 im Licht inschriftlicher Zeugnisse – Andrej Petrovic: Do Seize, Do Eat, Do Touch – But Mind Your Thoughts: Colossians and Greek Purity Regulations – Lukas Bormann: Barbaren und Skythen im Lykostal? Epigraphischer Kommentar zu Kol 3:11 – Hermut Löhr: The Early Christian Household Codes in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence – Thomas Corsten: Mann oder Frau: Nympha oder Nymphas in Laodikeia? – Alexander Weiss: Politische Amtsträger und Ämter in der Apostelgeschichte

Joseph Verheyden is Professor of New Testament Studies in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven.

Markus Öhler Geboren 1967; Studium der Ev. Theologie und Universitätsassistent in Wien; FWF-Stipendiat in Tübingen; Gastprofessor in Hamburg; seit 2011 Professor am Institut für Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien.

Thomas Corsten is Professor for Greek History and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna and head of the working group Epigraphy at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


The following reviews are known:

In: New Testament Abstracts — 63 (2019), S. 167