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Thea Schlütermann

Ergänzungsimpulse zur repräsentativen Demokratie

Ein deutsch-französischer Verfassungsvergleich
[Supplementary Proposals for a Representative Democracy. A Comparison of the German and French Constitutions.]
2024. XX, 272 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162804-7
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Thea Schlütermann examines fundamental questions of democratic legitimation and representation, weaknesses of the concept of representative democracy, as well as possibilities of strengthening this system, in particular through lot-based, deliberative elements and a stronger role for citizens. The legal analysis is based on current points of reference and is substantiated by approaches of the political science and sociological findings. It reflects the constitutional and cultural particularities of the French and German constitutional systems.

Verfassungsentwicklung in Europa (VEEu)